leave your mark? guestbook


to callie


9/13/12 - 9/9/24

yesterday we went to the beach

our bodies swarmed with mosquitos

your legs gave out and we all took turns carrying you down the trail

all 72lbs of you

and after what felt like forever, we finally lay you in the water

you collapsed into me panting.

we went to this same beach last year and we ran for hours

you'd jump through the waves like a giant white bunny

today we had to call the ranger to get you back to the car

my sweet girl of 12 years

youve been with me through it all

and i hate that we bear the same trauma

the way you would bark at my partner and wedge yourself between us when we play fought or wrestled

you saw it all as what our dad did to mom

i wish i couldve carried those burdens for you

maybe you were here to carry part of it for me

we were survivors, together.

we came home from the beach and you fell asleep on your bed like you did after every beach trip

you melted into your bed with a smile and i knew you were dreaming of the crashing waves.

the doctor came and you offered her a weak hello

you fell asleep in my arms and thats all you'll ever know... it was just like any other day.

i keep scratching the bites on my arms knowing they'll be gone soon too

i cant bear to lose anything else.


thank you miss ranger
