leave your mark? guestbook


thoughts on minimalism and sentimental hoarding

last night my partner and i set out to complete a most daunting task. one that has been looming over us since we moved from our house back into a shared house.

cleaning our room. ( its hard at any age! )

when you live alone or with your signifigant other you tend to accumulate. furniture, knick-knacks, seasonal decorations, furniture.

at the time that i moved out of my parents house, my belongings fit into 4 cardboard boxes.

my most recent move barely fit into a uhaul.

we ended up leasing a storage unit and when the price jumped from 90$ to 130$ out of nowhere, it was a clear sign that we were officially burdened by our material posessions. i mean; paying rent for objects - come on!

but its hard letting go of objects with a memory attached to them. or objects you paid a lot of money for. or objects that are just so rare to come across - its like a treasure!

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when i lived with my parents i used to compulsively throw away my belongings, no matter how much i loved them. i think they call thisswedish death cleaning?

but im in a situation now where i am safe and looking forward to my future... and i take such joy in collecting.

is minimalism neccessary for peace? would it bring me more joy than being surrounded by my material posessions?

i... dont want to spend my life organizing little trinkets.

and i dream of one day living on the road again. what if everything i owned fit into a backpack? isnt that freedom?

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if you have any tips on downsizing / minimalism without losing self - hit my line
