leave your mark? guestbook


stupid blog entry for memory's sake

i recieved a call from the library a few days ago about some issue with my account. today i found a BECK cd and a book on funeral rites in my car. oops.

my friend clover, now in vegas, gave me their entire AKIRA collection. ive been chipping away at it; usually on my lunch break at work.

i made a new friend there by the way - her name's victoria. ive written about her here before. its really nice to meet someone irl with the same brainworms as me. i introduced her to my favorite anime series of all time - that i keep closely guarded - and she surprised me with a little button she made of one of the characters. i wear it on my hat now.

my boss said i have to start tucking my bangs behind my ears at work bc of food safety rules but i know its actually because a customer complained about my friends ponytail. she has to wear that in a braid now. back onto MY issue though - i look like an egg with my hair tucked back. seriously, not in my emo nature. so i came up with a solution: braid my front two strands. my partner said i look like a little jewish boy. scratch that. i tied little bands at the bottom of my hair. feels high fantasy somehow. perfect loop hole.

my partner made me the most delicious burger for dinner... all i ate today was iced coffee and an algae packet. fish food. ive been on a weird diet lately - its called Eating whatever i feel like eating. this has consisted entirely of rice, tofu, coconut oil, grapes, watermelon, iced coffee, soymilk, bread, and whatevers free in the break room. i have become awakened to "freeganism." which is like. only eating nonvegan food if its free? is that a real thing? not sure.

i work at a holistic wellness store / organic grocery and we damage a LOT of food. its insane how full our donation bins are every night. i guess thats what happens when eggs are $13 a carton. i take home a bag or two of expired food a night and it supplements my diet greatly. i think i eat 90% expired food at this point. i am a garbage disposal.

i think ill stop writing now and go make some roasted potatoes... i am insatiably huungry for some reason. bye!
