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re: cracking the code [...] financial freedom

original post here

1. keep working (this is temporary)

i bumped my hours from 24 to 40 a week, welcome to the grindset.

2. cut expenses at all costs

i have spent a lot of money on pretty dresses while i've been gone.

3. pack a lunch for work. ride my bike to work and back. if i want coffee, ill have to work my way through the mountain of abandoned grounds i scavenged first. eat simply and eat less, at that.

i still eat out of the trash. i stopped driving my car for a month in favor of my bike and free public transit. it has been wonderful and peaceful. one time i sat on a very wet seat on the bus but i still love public transit all the same.

4. no. subscriptions. ever.


5. go back to school and capitalize on whats left of my FAFSA.

i am currently studying under an artist i admire very much and after a decade of independent study and stagnation, i am able to see in new and exciting ways again. i am exceptionally lucky to recieve this education for free.

6. become financially unburdened and live happily ever after.

to be continued
