leave your mark? guestbook


on my personal bastardization of haiku and the road blocks that restrain me from true creative freedom

ive been struggling to keep up with my haiku project - and its only been three days. ive been reading traditional japanese haiku and taking note on what it takes to honor the tradition... Basho must roll in his grave seeing my work.

i think the daunting task of a daily haiku is taking this ancient form and flipping it on its head completely... something that takes immeasurable time and patient observation... compressed into a 24 hour period. with that realization, i must make peace with breaking from tradition even further.

i will try and push aside perfection and perhaps study proper form once inspiration returns to me. until then, i will bastardize haiku in the name of learning to create again.

finding time to observe in the tiny window that is not Work Sleep Drive ... nearly impossible.let me know if you find the key to balancing creativity within capitalism.

musings over! thanks for coming to see me. lets play again soon?
