leave your mark? guestbook


on cracking the code: escaping the confinements of wage slavery and a system built to lull you into false contentment; a six step plan

more often than not i find myself desprately seeking an escape.

whether its from my job or my living situation or the thrall of consumerist hell; part of me wont give up on that magical alternative which lies just beyond reach. part of me thinks if i can find a way to crack the code, my dream life will just fall into my open arms.

ive spent 24 years of my life confined to 9x9 bedrooms shared with multiple other bodies and the only thing that keeps me going at this point is the hope that one day ill have a room to call my own. a room with a home for each of my belongings. an open floor large enough to sit with my legs stretched out. a spot for my dogs to lie. maybe a window - is that asking too much?

i clock into work a few minutes late, count my drawer, and struggle to put on my happy face. lately i havent even bothered. why is it that i can never last more than a few months at any job? every forced interaction, every nervous twitch, every can of soda i turn 1mm to the left to avoid idle hands, seems to amount to a boiling point.

earlier there was an entire budget and expenses breakdown in the place where this sentence now sits. i have come to terms with what comes next.

six steps toward financial freedom

  1. keep working (this is temporary)

  2. cut expenses at all costs

  3. pack a lunch for work. ride my bike to work and back. if i want coffee, ill have to work my way through the mountain of abandoned grounds i scavenged first. eat simply and eat less, at that.

  4. no. subscriptions. ever.

  5. go back to school and capitalize on whats left of my FAFSA.

  6. become financially unburdened and live happily ever after.

it all starts tomorrow. once again, i'll take my leave.

if you have any tips on downsizing, bugeting, impulse control, etc... you know where to find me.
