leave your mark? guestbook


on free will

It is a rather damp morning in the pseudo-tropics. The heat begins to leak in through an overcast sky. The street you stand on is empty, save for you and the fog, and you begin to notice tiny shivers of wind circulate your bare face.

You haven't slept at all and its now 7:42am. You're holding a square of paper towel. You open it up and inside there is a rather large, but perfectly fried egg. It's the egg your boyfriend left on the doorstep for you the night before. It's a duck egg. The paper towel sticks to it ever slightly. Today you didn't opt for a bowl. Today you won't enjoy your breakfast seated at the table.

Today is January 26th 2023 and you stand in your front yard dangling a fried duck egg above you, struggling to contain the massive yolk in your mouth. It coats your hands and feeds the earth and you laugh genuinely for the first time in a dog's age.
