leave your mark? guestbook


on... coders high?

i just pulled my first all-nighter playing with the CSS on here

its 7:00 sharp and my mind is buzzing with hex codes and text modifiers...

theres so many things i want to do still!

this brings me back to my tumblr days roughly a decade ago. i was born a little too late for the myspace boom but making your own custom tumblr page? literally the coolest thing you could do as a kid. for some reason, my teen brain picked up HTML instantly... actually i think most kids are intrinsically good with code? is intrinsically a word? ive been speaking in numbers for too many hours now.

im sooo looking forward to making a project from scratch... i have the site map all drafted out on paper! im kindof thinking about scanning it and creating assets from that? im too lazy to mess w pixel stuff hehe.

im rambling and i have work later today... i should sleep.
